Latest Patch For Battlefield 2142
BF2 had alot more strategy and depth to it. But the reward system wasn't anywhere near as expansive as 2142 (but takes a long time to get the unlocks you want after a bit) BF2142 is more like an arcade shooter IMO. Battlefield 3 English Language Pack. Alot more running and gunning in this one. I own both, enjoy both. But if I had to pick my favourite it would be BF2. If only all the features of 2142 were in BF2 (including titans:D ) But both games were and generaly still are buggy as all hell.
And I'm sure evil EA will release lots of patches you have to pay for (they call them 'content packs') which will destabalize the game with each release. BF2 - 4.5/5 BF2142 - 3.5/5.

New patch for Battlefield 2142, along with new dedicated server software. There's the usual stack of fixes and new features and, well, I'm sure a few other surprises.