Install Fonts On Windows 7
I work at a company that is moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 in domain with Windows 2008R2 server. We have several users doing design work on books and journals that need to install different fonts on a regular basis. We did have everyone as Power Users in Windows XP so this was not a problem but in Windows 7 Power Users have been depreciated. I have been looking into this already and have found the following: Administratively install fonts for them Have the users register the fonts themselves but the fonts go away after a reboot Change permissions in a couple of places and turn off the UAC None of those option are actually going to work for us so I was wondering if someone has found another solution to this problem. I am sorry that I never responded before now especially when everyone was so quick to help. Other things came up and this issue was pushed down my to do list.
I just got back to this issue a couple of days ago and this is what I have found. Windows 7 uses%windir% system32 fontview.exe to install fonts and that program always trips the UAC prompt. To get around you need to use both JimMuth's and GwenA's idea.
Unzip the folder containing the fonts first. Fonts cannot be installed if they are zipped. Right click on the font file and select Install. For the 20th century versions of Windows you must install an unzip tool first. Under Windows 10/8/7/Vista Select the font files (.ttf,.otf or.fon) then Right-click >Install; Under any version of Windows Place the font files (.ttf,.otf or.fon) into the Fonts folder, usually C: Windows Fonts or C: WINNT Fonts (can be reached as well.
I found the permissions that needed to be changed here in a possible answer post from tacktick. What I have set up is group in AD so that we can grant and then remove the permissions to install fonts whenever we want. Also, I have a startup script in group policy that runs a CMD file containing the following:::This removes system folder attribute. Attrib -r -s '%systemroot% fonts'::This takes ownership to make sure permissions can be changed. Takeown /f '%systemroot% fonts' /r /d n::This gives Administrators full control and sets objects and containers to inherit the permissions. Icacls '%systemroot% fonts' /grant Administrators:(OI)(CI)(F)::This gives the group modify permissions and sets objects and containers to inherit the permissions. Icacls '%systemroot% fonts' /grant:(OI)(CI)(M)::This gives the group modify permissions on the font cache file.
Icacls '%systemroot% system32 FNTCACHE.dat' /grant:(M) I also use group policy to give full rights to HKLM Software Microsoft Windows NT Current Version Fonts. And move the portable version of AMP Font Viewer to the users computers. I picked that program because you can use the zip version that doesn't need to be installed and it works for a lot of different types of fonts.

I've been doing this since early on in XP and now with Win7. Easycap002 Driver Download Windows 7. I use the XCACLS.VBS script which I've attached to apply permissions to the Fonts folder. Here's my command line. Make your changes as necessary and you should be fine. One NOTE, I've had to run the script from an XP machine for it to apply the permissions.

Windows 7 doesn't like the script and I haven't taken the time to find a working one yet either (I use XP Mode on Win7 instead). I think this will do it for you.
Jim cscript.exe xcacls.vbs '%1 c$ windows fonts' /i copy /spec b /g 'Users':m /q Enter the machine name for%1 Enter the User Group you want for 'Users' (keep the quotes). I am sorry that I never responded before now especially when everyone was so quick to help.
Mpeg 2 Codec Installer For Windows. Other things came up and this issue was pushed down my to do list. I just got back to this issue a couple of days ago and this is what I have found. Windows 7 uses%windir% system32 fontview.exe to install fonts and that program always trips the UAC prompt. To get around you need to use both JimMuth's and GwenA's idea. I found the permissions that needed to be changed here in a possible answer post from tacktick. What I have set up is group in AD so that we can grant and then remove the permissions to install fonts whenever we want.
Also, I have a startup script in group policy that runs a CMD file containing the following:::This removes system folder attribute. Attrib -r -s '%systemroot% fonts'::This takes ownership to make sure permissions can be changed. Takeown /f '%systemroot% fonts' /r /d n::This gives Administrators full control and sets objects and containers to inherit the permissions. Icacls '%systemroot% fonts' /grant Administrators:(OI)(CI)(F)::This gives the group modify permissions and sets objects and containers to inherit the permissions. Icacls '%systemroot% fonts' /grant:(OI)(CI)(M)::This gives the group modify permissions on the font cache file.
Icacls '%systemroot% system32 FNTCACHE.dat' /grant:(M) I also use group policy to give full rights to HKLM Software Microsoft Windows NT Current Version Fonts. And move the portable version of AMP Font Viewer to the users computers.
I picked that program because you can use the zip version that doesn't need to be installed and it works for a lot of different types of fonts. I found out that Type 1 Postscript fonts on the 64-Bit version of Windows 7 tries to write to a registry key that does not exist and the Font Viewer program does not have permissions to create or write to those keys. What I did for that is create a text file that could be named anything (mine is called regini_font_permissions.txt) that contains only the following line: registry machine SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion Type 1 Installer Type 1 Fonts [1 5 7 17] I also added the following line to the CMD file I talked about earlier: regini regini_font_permissions.txt The regini command will create the keys and change the permissions so that everyone can write to them. I tried changing the permissions through Group Policy but I found out that it cannot change permissions on anything under the 'Wow6432Node' key.