Download Free Guidance And Counselling Program In Schools Software
Overview The purpose of the school counseling program is to impart specific skills and learning opportunities in a proactive, preventive manner, ensuring all students can achieve school success through academic, career and personal/social development experiences. The comprehensive school guidance and counseling program targets four main areas of development: 1. Academic – learning to learn 2. Career – learning to work 3. Personal/Social – learning to live 4. Community Involvement – learning to contribute The Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling program will.
• Address the needs of all students. • Be an integral part of the instructional program and total educational experience • Include structured activities based upon the needs of each student, including preventative, developmental, and remedial services. • Provide accountability and continuous improvement through annual review of student progress and program and staff evaluation • Include appropriate professional development for all staff to maintain a quality program. • Depend upon the support and collaboration of administrators, teachers and other school personnel, student and the community •.
Guidance and counseling free download as powerpoint. A comprehensive student deve program mode floridas school counseling and. Epson Software Not.

Be coordinated by licensed school counselors. There are many benefits of a Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program for the entire community including students, parents, teachers, counselors, administrators and businesses and industry.

The benefits to teachers include: • The academic success of each student is supported • Teachers guidance role is clearly defined • An interdisciplinary team effort is provided to address student needs and educational goals. • Consultation is provided to assist teachers in their guidance role.
Web Service To File Scenario In Sap Pi. The benefit to school counselors include: • Provision of program content to each student is ensured • The role of the school counselor as a student advocate is enhanced • A clearly defined role and function is provided • Critical counseling functions are focused on • A tool for program management and accountability is provided. • The academic mission of the school is ensured.
The benefits to administrators include: • School counseling is integrated with the academic mission of the school • Program structure is provided with specific content • The school counselors role is defined through enhancing learning and development for each student • A means of evaluating school guidance and counseling programs is provided. Benefits to the community include: • Community awareness of student support systems necessary for success is created. • Economic development is enhanced through quality preparation of students for the world of work • An increased opportunity for collaboration and participation of community members with the school program is provided. • The community is educated to the needs of the school and vice versa. Benefits for business and industry include: • A future workforce with decision-making skills, pre-employment skills, increased worker maturity, and a career self-management skill is provided.
• There are increased opportunities for business and industry to participate actively in the total school program. • An increased opportunity for collaboration among counselors, business and industry, and communities is provided.
• • • • • • • • • • Database management tool; part of Microsoft Office Comprehensive online windows based student information software system with scheduling, communication, data collection, management, and evaluation, report writing, grading, and other administrative capabilities. Adobe offers several software applications for video editing, with pricing discounts for educators. Check out the Adobe Digital Kids Club, the Adobe Digital Video Curriculum Guide, and Adobe’s Video Primers, and free downloads of trial or beta versions of video and other software applications.
AGS Publishing offers a wide range of assessment, career exploration, and instructional resources for working with students and their parents. Word processing and database Apple software for Macs, with multiple other applications. Replaced ClarisWorks. Offers free and for fee software applications, games, and software trials. Behavior Assessment System for Children. Uses multiple measures to assess behavioral and emotional strengths and problems in preschoolers, elementary school aged children, and middle/secondary school aged children.
Beacon Ed Plan Unable to locate website Offers multiple online age-specific education and career exploration/planning tools. Exploration tool for careers in the health and medical fields. The Career Game, from Rick Trow Productions, is one example of career games school counselors report using. The Mass CIS (Career Information System) is a free online resource for career/educational planning and assessment. Career assessment, and career/education planning tool yielding reports for the student and counselor, from VRI (Vocational Research Institute) Includes five developmentally based career exploration and planning tools beginning with elementary school aged children through adulthood.
More specifically these include Paws in Jobland, Career Futures, Career Choices, Choices Jr., and Choices CT. career exploration and education planning tools. Word processing and database software for Macs, with multiple other applications. Now called AppleWorks This site offers a plethora of information. It offers registration and preparatory information on the SAT, resources for college exploration, planning, and the college admission process. The site also has a component called “College Board for Educators“ which includes “SAT Resources for Counselors” and the “Counselors Connection”.
The College Board also offers MyRoad and SpringBoard. Hobson’s College View is an online resource for students, parents, and school counselors; its focus is on career, college, and financial aid exploration and planning. The site’s multiple “guides” allow the user to conduct sophisticated searches based not only on student career aspirations and interests, but also on other factors such as ethnicity, religion, and campus diversity.
This user-friendly site includes more than 3,000 schools, and allows the student to take virtual tours, apply online, obtain student feedback about their experience at the college, develop their resume, provides information for international students, and much more. Single admission application form accepted by 255 colleges and universities. Can retrieve and submit the application online; may also be submitted as hard copy.
Career exploration tool which uses student interests identified in the Career Game and the student’s educational aspirations as a springboard. The original Devereux Scales, which were developed in the 1960’s, have been updated and are currently available in two forms – (1) Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (DSMD) and (2) Devereux Behavior Rating Scale – School Form. Both scales assess the presence of emotional and behavior disorders in preadolescents and teens. The latter scale is an abbreviated scale which can be conducted in five minutes.
Both scales have two versions – one for pre-adolescents and the other for adolescents. From Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
An ACT career and education exploration and planning tool, which is described as being based on a developmental guidance model. Several available versions – Internet and Windows for High School students and older and a version for Middle School students. education and career exploration product for high school students offering online personality assessments with recommendations for careers and college majors. Based on the book “Do What You Are”. Eutactic Unable to locate website Offers online information software system for the management of special education services. (Horizon Software Systems) College and career planning tool.
While the College Board continues to provide support for current Expan users, it no longer sells this software application, and has replaced it with MyRoad. Student information management system, which has reporting and scheduling capabilities.
Can also be used for staff and curriculum information Comprehensive communication software, offering resources for presentations, professional development, curriculum instruction, conferencing, career planning, parent monitoring of student-related information, and more. From the Open Text Corporation. 4D Unable to locate website Guidance Information System.
Career and educational exploration and planning tool. Classroom management software, with communication, linking, and other capabilities from Jackson Software. One such resource – The Educational Software Directory, is listed here.
Creativity art and project tool. The newest version comes with 30 multi-disciplinary lesson plans, plus educator tutorials, templates, and tips. List serves Communication, networking, and information/resource sharing. Suite of software applications which includes word processing, database/spreadsheet capabilities, presentation software, and graphic tools.
Student information management system for Macs. Has reporting, scheduling, attendance, and other administrative capabilities. MCP Analysis Unable to locate website Low cost Microsoft multi -software application package targeting the home user. Includes word processing, database/spreadsheet capabilities, a PowerPoint viewer, project tools, multiple templates, and more Student information management system, which has attendance, scheduling, grading, communication, and other capabilities. This web-based College Board replacement for Expan facilitates student career and college planning through career and college major exploration, college searches, increases student self understanding, providing feedback from students and professionals in actual fields/majors, and the development of student-specific online career/college planning portfolios. Software application with unique scheduling (“Power Scheduler”) and information management capabilities. Integrated into the PowerSchool system after being acquired in 2000.
System network management and security via support, training, and consultation. Invests dollars into educational initiatives through its Software Donation Program and through the United Way. Codec 0x2000 Dolby Ac3 Ac3 Filter. Publishing software from Adobe.
Provides templates, graphics, and other tools to design brochures, pamphlets, flyers, and other publications. Pupil Administrative Software System. Student information management system, which has grading, tracking, communication, organizing, and other capabilities.
Career awareness and exploration tool from for the elementary school aged student. PDA’s Personal Digital Assistants, Pocket PC’s, and Handhelds Software to edit, manage, view, and share digital photos. Web-based student information system tool, with all components having a single database. Designed to increase school-home communication and provide important information on student progress, assignments, schedules, attendance and more. Can be accessed by administrators, teachers/counselors, parents, and students. Able to be used on Macs, as well as Windows operating systems. Graphics, photo, art, and project software which includes over 16,000 project templates and 310,000 images.
Creativity software from Broderbund to create newsletters, banners, certificates, cards, and a variety of other projects, and edit photos. Comes with thousands of images and project templates. Several versions.
Psychwriter Unable to locate website Maker of school-related administrative and record keeping software – Administrator’s Plus and School Office Suite School counselors described using a variety of specific software-based resource materials. Encarta is just one example. Wide range of books, journals, and other resources for the school counselor.
SASI (School Administrative Student Information System) is a Pearson Schools Systems (part of Pearson Education) student and school information management system with attendance, scheduling, parent access to student information, and other capabilities. Has links to sponsored sites by search category (e.g.
“career counseling”) Resource with communication, instructional, and organizing capabilities. This application can be used to facilitate intra school and interschool collaboration and resource/ information sharing, as well as for website development/management.
Information management system for private school settings. Address many administrative tasks with additional software components available. From Hunter Systems.
School Network Systems Unable to locate website Webpage could not be displayed Student information management system (eSIS). Engineering management system. School Information Records System (SIRS) software by the Management Information Group. Interactive white boards.
This site provides usage tips and tricks, software downloads, setup configurations, professional development, and networking opportunities. From Ed Compass. Communication software application from Galil Utilities Issues specific software applications developed to target specific counseling issues Software applications developed to target specific counseling issues Specific test scoring software While these types of software applications can be very test-specific, the following are examples of generic testing and assessment tools: The Star_Base School Suite is a Century Consultants, Ltd PreK-12 student information management product, which consists of five components.
Addresses multiple test-related processing functions needed by K-12 school systems, such as scoring, scanning, storing, and tracking of test data. From dataMetrics Software, Inc The College Counselor Unable to locate website Website development resource, which offers a variety of “membership plans” with the most basic package offered at no charge to the user, as it is supported by ads. Voice recognition software. From ScanSoft.
Front Page from Microsoft is only one of many currently available software applications to design and maintain websites. You can register for Microsoft’s free online newsletter – Microsoft FrontPage Insider. Windows based student information management system with scheduling, grading, report writing, and other administrative function capabilities. Management of digital media (e.g.
Downloading, playback, streaming, etc.) Software for scoring, understanding, and reporting the WISC. Also provides profile-based recommendations. Scoring and report writing software for the Woodcock-Johnson III. The Compuscore and Profile program comes standard with the WJIII.