Install Codestriker Windows

The next part is concerned with installing Codestriker and customising it. Ravenloft Tarokka Deck Pdf. Installation For Windows.conf). Documents Similar To Code Striker.
This section deals with deploying Codestriker using Apache, on either a UN*X machine or Win32. Codestriker can run as an ordinary CGI script, which allows it to run under any CGI-complaint webserver. The following configuration details are specific for the Apache webserver (), which is available for download for both UNIX and Window platforms. Apache should be already available for most UNIX distributions. Apache 1.X or 2.X can be used for Win32 systems deploying Codestriker as a CGI script. For Win32 mod_perl installations, Apache 1.X is recommended.
Note any Codestriker or Apache configuration changes require the Apache server to be restarted. For UNIX, a command like the following is required: /etc/init.d/httpd restart or /etc/init.d/apache restart For Windows, the Apache shell window can be terminated by pressing ^C, and started from the Windows menu. Final Fantasy Xv Ost Torrent. There are also shortcuts from the menu for editing the Apache configuration file. If you installed Codestriker into /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z, the configuration you need in your apache.conf file (normally located in either /etc/httpd.conf, /etc/apache.conf or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) is the following: ScriptAlias /codestriker/ /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z/cgi-bin/ Alias /codestrikerhtml/ /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z/html/ AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all SetHandler cgi-script AllowOverride None Allow from all For Windows, the configuration is the same, but filename paths should use '/' rather than ' '. An example configuration could be the following, if Codestriker was installed in c: codestriker codestriker-X.Y.Z. ScriptAlias /codestriker/ 'C:/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z/cgi-bin/' Alias /codestrikerhtml/ 'C:/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z/html/' AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Order allow,deny Allow from all SetHandler cgi-script AllowOverride None Allow from all. Using mod_perl provides performance benefits for Perl-based web applications.
For CGI deployments, as described in the previous section, each HTTP request will create a new Perl interpreter, which needs to initialise, and then parse the Codestriker source code. This may add significant latency for each HTTP request. Using mod_perl, a pool of Perl interpreters which have already parsed the Codestriker source code is maintained, so that whenever an HTTP request is issued, the time spent creating a new Perl interpreter and the parsing of the Codestriker code is removed. Mod_perl is available for download from.
For most UNIX distributions, it is available by default with Apache. For installing mod_perl under Windows, contains installation information. You should be able to install it by typing: C: >ppm PPM>rep add theory PPM>install mod_perl Note mod_perl has known to be a little flaky under Windows. Make sure you get Codestriker working deployed as a CGI script before trying to use mod_perl.
The following shows the configuration settings for an Apache 1.X server with mod_perl enabled, for a Codestriker distribution installed in /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z. Alias /codestriker/ /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z/cgi-bin/ Alias /codestrikerhtml/ /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z/html/ SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::Registry Options +ExecCGI AllowOverride None Allow from all The settings for Windows are the same, only the pathnames will be different, as per the CGI configuration in the previous section. For extra security, Codestriker supports Perl taint-mode, so it is advisable to also have the following option in your Apache config: PerlTaintCheck On Note if you are using LXR on the same webserver, this option cannot be used. You'll also need to remove the -T argument from bin/, and re-run again (see ) if you want to use Codestriker and LXR. Also note there is a strange issue with Perl 5.8 on Win32, the open3() call and taint mode. For Win32 users, don't enable tainted mode.
For Apache 2.X, make sure the mod_perl module is loaded when Apache starts. Near the top of the Apache config file, you should see commands like the following: LoadModule perl_module modules/ PerlModule Apache2 If these commands aren't present, and a Perl startup file is not being used, make sure these are added in. The Codestriker configuration for Apache 2.X is very similar, the only change is the name of the PerlHandler.
Alias /codestriker/ /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z/cgi-bin/ Alias /codestrikerhtml/ /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z/html/ SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry Options +ExecCGI AllowOverride None Allow from all To enable Perl taint mode checking, using the following option: PerlSwitches -T As mentioned in the previous section, Win32 users should not enable this mode.
0 Codestriker project is an open-sourced web application which supports online code reviewing. Traditional document reviews are supported, as well as reviewing diffs generated by an SCM (Source Code Management) system and plain unidiff patches. There are integration points with CVS, Subversion, Clearcase, Perforce, Visual SourceSafe and Bugzilla. There is a plug-in architecture for supporting other SCMs and issue tracking systems.
Using Codestriker for your reviews minimizes paper work, ensures that issues, comments and decisions are recorded in a database, and provides a comfortable workspace for actually performing code inspections. An optional highly-configurable metrics subsystem allows you to record code inspection metrics as a part of your process. Codestriker is written in Perl, and runs on all of the major platforms and browsers, and is licenced under the GPL. Configuration This section is concerned with unpacking the Codestriker distribution into a suitable location, and then configuring it. For UNIX distribution, the following commands may be appropriate on your system:% mkdir /var/www/codestriker% cd /var/www/codestriker% tar zxvf /from/installed/location/codestriker-X.Y.Z.tar.gz% chown -R apache.apache /var/www/codestriker/codestriker-X.Y.Z Here 'apache' is the user which runs the Apache server. It could be 'nobody' under different systems. Check with the ps auxww command, or check your Apache configuration files.
Under Windows, the Codestriker distribution could be unzipped into a suitable location under c:program files, or just c:codestriker. The next task is to edit the codestriker.conf configuration file to reflect the settings on your site. The file is documented with examples to assist in setting appropriate values. The file is in Perl syntax, so lines starting with a '#' indicate a comment. What's New in This Release: Codestriker now stores text as UTF-8 in order to support code reviews in Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or other languages. Support for ClearCase dynamic views was added, along with better support for Perforce. Support for parsing CVS and Subversion corner-case diffs was improved.
Emails can now be sent using SMTP authentication. Memory usage when linked to large LXR databases was improved. Repositories can now be displayed with a configurable display name rather than the full URL. Invalid bug IDs will be handled when entered in the create/modify topic screen. A number of other minor bugs were fixed. Alternative/similar Codestriker project is an open-sourced web application which supports online code reviewing JCR also know as jcodereview is a web application for performing and managing code reviews.
Although it has some special smarts fo Parabuild is a software build management server Easy SVN is a subversion browser via the Web DocMgr project is a full-featured document management system that incorporates automatic indexing of uploaded files, automatic conte mod_lock.c Apache module allows to conditionaly lock a part of a web server by just creating a file in a predefined location Apache::PAR::tutorial is a Perl module with information on getting Apache::PAR up and running. Apache::PAR is a framework for incl.