Broadcom Bcm43xx Driver Mac Os X
I am new to OS X, I just built my first Hackintosh around a week ago. Primary question: Will this little script work with 10.9 Mavericks? Secondary, less important question: My device id is 4329 - it is a WN611B mini PCI card. Any idea if it will work? Mainly I would like to know if it is compatible with Mavericks, the card compatibility is secondary.
Because if it can't work in Mavericks, then its useless to know if this script will work with the card. Thank you for all the help, and especially for the helpful script! I have a BroadCom BCM4309MP minipci card.
I downloaded that script from this thread. Karnivool Themata Blogspot Download. It went through without ans errors. But no wireless at all! Seems to be a Dell 1420(?) I try und er SnowLeopard 10.6.8. Sys-profiler says, that there's no pci-card is installed in this computer and there is only the lan under 'Network'.

The driver gets an error during boot-up wich says failed to resolve library dependencies The former installed Ralink RT2500 mini-pci showed up there, but got no connection, since the ralink-tool sayed 'no device'. Any suggestions? Devs should help us to to find a way yo enable BCm43142 Wifi kext as this is a new card all new lap top that has broadcom chip are coming with it and theres a lot of osx user who have that chip but nobody able to enable it they is a raw linux driver for Arch linux don't know if that can be helped i am not an expert on this area but guys who are expert should help us we made possible to boot OS X on IBM machine and this is just a wifi chip i am sure there is someone who can help us who has this chip give a +1 for the post we need your support for this guys. Hi, Hopefully you are still following this thread - Just turned my old laptop into a nice hackintosh for OS 10.5.
Unfortunately WiFi doesn't work. Did everything as described in the post but can't turn the card on. Also followed all the solutions you wrote. Can't turn it on neither in the menu bar or in the WiFi settings.

Would really appreciate any help since I really need WiFi! Regards from Vienna, tacerus Btw: The enabler script made my audio work xD Solved the problem. WiFi was disabled in the BIOS, whyever.
Look at most relevant Broadcom bcm43xx for mac websites out of 50.1 Thousand at Broadcom bcm43xx for mac found at, ###BrcmPatchRAM -- RehabMan fork For the most part this fork is kept in sync with the-darkvoid's verson. We are working together to improve the project.
###RehabMan Fork Downloads Builds are available on bitbucket: ###Installation Install one of BrcmPatchRAM.kext or BrcmPatchRAM2.kext depending on OS X version, never both. • BrcmPatchRAM.kext: for 10.10 or earlier.
• BrcmPatchRAM2.kext: for 10.11 or later. Also, install one firmware kext BrcmFirmwareData.kext or BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext, depending on installation location, never both.
• BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext: Install to /System/Library/Extensions. This kext is much more memory efficient than BrcmFirmwareData.kext and is the preferred configuration. • BrcmFirmwareData.kext: Most appropriate for EFI/Clover/kexts. BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext, while much more memory efficient, cannot be injected as can BrcmFirmwareData.kext • Advanced users: For custom firmware injectors, install the injector plus BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext. This works from either /S/L/E or EFI/Clover/kexts. Optionally, you may remove all the firmwares from BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext/Contents/Resources. If you're using the injector from Clover/kexts, the IOProviderClass in the Info.plist for BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext must be changed from 'disabled_IOResources' to 'IOResources'.
And still, you may find it unreliable. As that is the way Clover kext injection is (it does not simulate kext installation perfectly). In testing, best result was obtained if you replace the IOKitPersonalities entry in BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext Info.plist with that of the injector kext (no need for the injector at that point). Also, if you have a non-PatchRAM device (or you're not sure), install one of BrcmNonPatchRAM.kext or BrcmNonPatchRAM2.kext, depending on OS X version, never both. Although these kexts do not install any firmware (these devices have firmware built-in), they still depend on BrcmPatchRAM/BrcmPatchRAM2.kext. • BrcmNonPatchRAM.kext: for 10.10 or earlier • BrcmNonPatchRAM2.kext: for 10.11 or later.
###BrcmPatchRAM Note if you have an Apple MacBook/iMac/Mac Pro etc, follow the Most Broadcom USB Bluetooth devices make use of a system called RAMUSB. RAMUSB allows the firmware for the device to be updated on-the-fly, however any updates previously applied are lost when shutting down the machine. The Broadcom Windows driver will upload firmware into the Broadcom Bluetooth device on every startup, however for OS X this functionality is not supported out of the box. BrcmPatchRAM kext is an OS X driver which applies PatchRAM updates for Broadcom RAMUSB based devices. It will apply the firmware update to your Broadcom Bluetooth device on every startup / wakeup, identical to the Windows drivers. The firmware applied is extracted from the Windows drivers and the functionality should be equal to Windows. Note that the original Apple Broadcom bluetooth devices are not RAMUSB devices, and thus do not have the same firmware mechanism.
###BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext To be used for OS X 10.11 or newer. This kext is a simple injector. It does not contain a firmware uploader. Try this kext if you wish to see if your device will work without a firmware uploader. Do not use any of the other kexts (BrcmPatchRAM, BrcmPatchRAM2, BrcmFirmwareRepo, or BrcmFirmwareData) with this kext. This kext is not provided in the distribution ZIP.
You can build it if you wish to try it. It was removed as it presense was causing confusion for those that don't read carefully and didn't install the preferred kexts correctly. It is not currently being updated with new devices. If yours is not present, edit the Info.plist as needed. Install Fonts On Windows 7. ####Supported Devices BrcmPatchRAM supports any Broadcom USB bluetooth device based on the BCM20702 chipset (possibly other chipsets are supported also, but this has not been tested). Comment 10.11.dp1+ BT4LE-Handoff-Hotspot, credit RehabMan based on Dokterdok original Find SIX/dEdIiwc= Name IOBluetoothFamily Replace Qb4PAAAA60Q= ####Troubleshooting After installing BrcmPatchRAM, even though your Bluetooth icon may show up, it could be that the firmware has not been properly updated. Verify the firmware is updated by going to System Information and check the Bluetooth firmware version number under the Bluetooth information panel.
If the version number is '4096', this means no firmware was updated for your device and it will not work properly. Verify any errors in the system log by running the following command in the terminal. Cat /var/log/system.log grep -i brcm[fp] Ensure you check only the latest boot messages, as the system.log might go back several days. If the firmware upload failed with an error, try installing the debug version of BrcmPatchRAM in order to get more detailed information in the log.
In order to report an error log an issue on github with the following information: • Device product ID • Device vendor ID • BrcmPatchRAM version used • Dump of BrcmPatchRAM debug output from /var/log/system.log showing the firmware upload failure ####Firmware Compatibility Some USB devices are very firmware specific and trying to upload any other firmware for the same chipset into them will fail. This usually displays in the system log as: BrcmPatchRAM: Version 0.5 starting.
BrcmPatchRAM: USB [0a5c:21e8 5CF3706267E9 v274] 'BCM20702A0' by 'Broadcom Corp' BrcmPatchRAM: Retrieved firmware for firmware key 'BCM20702A1_001.002.014.1443.1612_v5708'. BrcmPatchRAM: Decompressed firmware (29714 bytes -->70016 bytes). BrcmPatchRAM: device request failed (0xe000404f). BrcmPatchRAM: Failed to reset the device (0xe00002d5). BrcmPatchRAM: Unable to get device status (0xe000404f). BrcmPatchRAM: Firmware upgrade completed successfully.
The errors in between mean the firmware was not uploaded successfully, and the device will most likely need a specific firmware configured. For other devices the newest firmware available (even though not specified specifically in the Windows drivers) works fine. ####New devices In order to support a new device, the firmware for the device needs to be extracted from existing Windows drivers. A copy of the (current) latest Broadcom USB bluetooth drivers can be found here: Should you come across newer drivers than, please let me know. In order to get the device specific firmware for your device take the following steps: • Look up your USB device vendor and product ID, in this example we will be using the BCM94352Z PCI NGFF WiFi/BT combo card, for which the vendor is 0930 and product ID 0233.
• Extract the Windows Bluetooth driver package and open the bcbtums-win8x64-brcm.inf file. • Find your vendor / device ID combination in the.inf file. Xxd -ps BCM20702A1_001.002.014.1443.1457.zhx tr ' n ' ' ' >BCM20702A1_001.002.014.1443.1457.dmp • Using a plist editor create a new firmware key under the BcmFirmwareStore/Firmwares dictionary. Note that the version number displayed in OS X is the last number in the file name (1457 in our sample) + 4096. So in this case the firmware version in OS X would be: ' c14 v5553'.
• After configuring a key under BcmFirmwareStore/Firmwares, add your device ID as a new device for BrcmPatchRAM. Firmwares can also be loaded directly from BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext/Contents/Resources, either by firmware key name (see above), or by naming the file with just the vendor and device-id. For example, 0930_0223.hex (uncompressed) or 0930_0223.zhx (compressed). Copying an existing IOKit personality and modifying its properties is the easiest way to do this. Configure the earlier firmware using its unique firmware key.