16f628a Simple Program Budget
A budget for your school-age care program. BUDGET SUMMARY This form provides a summary of the program expenses by category (Program. HANDOUT: Sample Budget. 2 otherservos are controlled through the Router and PIC 16f628a and finally the last 2 through my new laptops parallel ports. He uses Logitech Quickcam as his eyes. There is also a iton UPS that powers the router and my old laptop(as it's batteries are screwed up). My dad gave me a max budget of $ 200.
PICKit 2 and PIC16F628A Hi, I am a complete newbie to PIC Programming. I have recently acquired a PICKit 2 programmer, along with a 'Low Pin Count' demo board with a PIC16F690. This is perfect for my budget and my usage. Everything works as expected. To go further, I have tested a PIC16F628A on a breadboard.
Pins Vpp, Vdd, Vss, PGC and PGD are connected to matching pins on the PiCKit 2. PGM pin is connected to Vss. Nothing else on the breadboard but wires. So far, PIC16F628A is correctly identifed by PICKit 2 software and the first programming was ok. But the next ones, and the erase command is not working at all. When reading the program from the chip, it reads always the same content (a 'and' between the programs I attempted to write onto it.). Apparently, the bulk erase command is not functional, and the write command only lowers bits (which is normal for an unerased flash).
I have also tested a PIC16F877A in the same conditions, and obtained the same results. The PICKit 2 firmware has been upgraded to v1.10 (v1.0 did not support PIC16F628A) What am I doing wrong? Have you tried the 16F628A in the PICkit 2 demo board? Some solderless breadboards can have unreliable contacts. PIC16F628A cannot be directly plugged into LPC demo board, pinout doesn't match. Moreover, as chip is recognized and is programmed correctly, I suppose contacts are ok.
Could you post your hex file? It does not depend on hex file: the simple erase command does not work. To be sure, I have checked PICkit 2 PC application source v1.10 and PICkit 2 firmware source v1.10 (the only ones available).
It seems to me there is a problem in the erase protocol: the erase trigs a 'WRITECFG', then a 'WRITEPGM' with a 0x3ff word, and then a 'ERASEPGM' (all keywords are part of PICkit2 protocol). Browning Sako Serial Numbers more. Trouble is, on firmware side, the 'WRITEPGM' loads the 0x3FF and begins a programming cycle, which seems not right just before an erase command. In the PICkit 2 protocol, it seems there is no simple command 'LOADPGM'. Am I missing something?
This is a PIC PROGRAMMER. Using a simple circuit controlled by Serial output, you can insert your source code right into your PIC16F628A. It doesn't need any other IC. The software in your PC will do all the job in sending the information via Serial cable to your PIC's memory. I made the circuit on the protoboard following the layout by Leon Heller.

Circuit layout and guidance: software used: Components required: 1 Resistor 10k ohm (R1) 1 Resistor 1k5 ohm (R2) 1 Capacitor 100uF (C2) 1 Capacitor 22uF (C1) 4 Diode 1N4148 (D1,D2,D3,D4) 1 Diode Zener 5V1 (ZD1) 1 Diode Zener 8V2 (ZD2) 2 Transistor BC547 1 IC PIC16F682A (this PIC will receive the data you want) 1 DB9 Female Conector (only the 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 pins are used) No external power supply required.