Hack 1 Hit Mu Ss6

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) Mu Proxy Server 1 Hit Hack for MuOnline;) News - The proxy server is detected by nprotect. Version 2.6 doesn't work anymore.
Currently I dont have enough time to work on new version. I don't know when I can update it. Keep visiting for the next update. - Version 2.6 is ready to download.
I fixed it for the new version of mu. Read new instructions before using it. - Version 2.5 is ready to download. Some bugs are fixed in this version and now you are able to change the hit count.
- I have developed this proxy server 1 month ago. I used it without a problem in this period. Sure Cuts Alot Version 2 Download. Now u are able to download and use the version 2.3 - The web site is open.;) Usage 1 - Download '. 2 - Extract the zip file. 3 - Run mu game.
4 - Wait until 'connect' button will be appear. 5 - Run 'mu proxy server. Free Tennis Ladder Template Printable With Lines. exe'. 6 - Click 'connect' button. 7 - U will see a message about hacking while the game starts.
8 - Exit game and close the proxy server. 9 - Run mu game again. 10 - Wait until 'connect' button will be appear. 11 - Run 'mu proxy server.exe' again.
12 - Click 'connect' button. 13 - You wont see the message at this time. 14 - Enjoy.;) Remarks - This programm can run only on a Windows XP system and it assumes that windows is installed in 'c: windows' folder. - Dont use SELECT SERVER option.
Exit game close proxy server and follow the instructions abow again. - You are able to change your hit count. So you can make monsters drop. - If you get the message about hacking every time u start the game try to disable sounds.;) Download;) Contact.
I will describe here the method of entry to the server. Of course, the one who creates the server must be a complete idiot this to work but you can always try ^ _ ^ (like the blasts) No, it will not work on XP, Zhyper, Grudge or any other known server. Requirements: 1 2 We need to know the IP server (it's obvious) 3 The server must have enabled SQL and Windows Authentication Instructions: 1 First we need to install Microsoft SQL Server. Here is a description of how to do it (Select 'SQL Server 2000 Components' 1 'Install Database Server' 2 Next 3 Local Computer (mark) 4 Next 5 'Create a new instance of SQL Server, or install Client Tools' (mark) 6 Next 7 Some name, some sort of company and Next 8 Yes 9 Server and Client Tools (mark) 10 Next 11 select Default 12 Next 13 Typical (mark) 14 Next 14 'Use the same account for each service.Auto start the SQL Server Service' (mark) 15 'Use the Local System account' (mark) 16 Next 17 'Windows Authenticatication Mode.' (Mark) 18 Next 19 Next 20 Install) 2 Are you in the Start>All Programs>Microsoft SQL Server>Query Analyzer 3 This should appear window 4 -In the SQL Server type: server IP -In the Login Name, enter the sa -Pole Password leave blank -Do not select the Start SQL Server if it is stopped because the server is turned off!
What you need: 1.Download WPEPro from 2.Someone to trade 3.Some packet's 4.There is a video tutorial 1.have 30S or 30Bless in you inventory! (note not stacked! You can make it 10S or 10 bless if you want to make 10 bless/soul stacked ) 2.Open WPEPro, click on 'Target program' and select main.exe(u must be in game), click black arrow to record some packets and then stop.
3.Change packet size to 9 4.change the packets to any of this: C1 06 BC 35 88 3A C1 03 31 10 souls C1 06 BC 35 88 38 C1 03 31 30 souls C1 06 BC 35 89 3B C1 03 31 10 souls C1 06 BC 35 89 39 C1 03 31 30 souls 5. Trade to a friend 6. Tell your friend not to cancel 7. Go to WPEPro and send the packet 8. Then youll see you have stacked soul/bless in you inventory and still has 30/10 unstacked souls in your inventory.
(you can do this all over and over again).