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Heres how to delete the garbage permanently. Manual Method Click on Start Type CMD in the Search box Right-click on CMD and choose Run as Administrator Leave the Command Prompt window open, but proceed to close all other open programs Right click on the Task bar and click on Task Manager Click on the Processes tab, click on the process named Explorer.exe and click on End Process. Minimize Task Manager but leave it open Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory where the file is located. To do this, use the CD command. You can follow the example below. Example: to change to the WindowsSystem32 directory you would enter the following command and Press Enter cd windowssystem32 Now use the DEL command to delete the offending file.

Carlos Azevedo Biologia Celular Molecular Pdf Writer. Type DEL where is the file you wish to delete. Example: del undeletable.exe Use ALT-TAB to go back to Task Manager In Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the Windows shell. Close Task Manager.
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