Download Aplikasi Magic Blue Hack Android

Intinya disini kita hanya memerlukan koneksi bluetooth antara hp kita sebagai 'tersangka' dan hp milik 'korban'. Pertama-tama, hidupkan koneksi di hp kamu.

Kedua, suruh 'korban' untuk menghidupkan bluetooth di hp miliknya (cara paling ampuh sih dengan cara bo'ong. Tapi bo'ong itu dosa, jadi kalau bisa jangan bo'ongin si 'korban'.

Ngomong apa adanya aja ya. Setelah kedua bluetooth menyala buka aplikasi Magic Blue Hack yang dapat kalian download di bawah.

Download Aplikasi Magic Blue Hack Android

Nah setelah dibuka aplikasinya, lalu pilih Pilihan =>Connect. Nanti secara otomatis aplikasi tersebut akan mencari perangkat bluetooth yang aktif. Setelah proses Searching selesai pilih nama bluetooth milik target (jangan salah pilih, soalnya kalau salah pilih bukannya si korban yang kena, tapi bisa-bisa orang lain yang kena). Setelah itu klik Pilihan =>Connect. Nah, biasanya diproses yang satu ini kita harus mendapat konfirmasi dari hp si 'korban'. Arma 2 Wasteland Chernarus Download more. Konfirmasinya berupa sebuah pertanyaan yang muncul dihp milik korban. Kira-kira inti dari konfirmasi itu adalah meminta untuk proses penyambungan koneksi bluetooth.

Download Aplikasi Magic Blue Hack Android

Suruh aja si 'korban' teken tulisan 'Ya'. Nah, disini kita udah bebas bisa ngejailin si 'korban' sepuasnya. Di kolom tampilan aplikasi kita bisa menuliskan nomor hp, pesan teks, dan disana juga nanti akan muncul beberapa informasi. Untuk menjaili korban kita bisa untuk menelepon, mengirim sms, membaca sms masuk di hp 'korban' lewat hp kita, bisa melihat daftar buku telepon.

Untuk membuat panggilan kita cukup mengetikkan nomor telepon di kolom tempat memasukkan nomor lalu klik pilihan dan pilih make call, nanti secara otomatis hp korban akan menelepon ke nomor telepon yang kita masukkan tadi. Untuk mengirimkan pesan teks caranya hampir sama, pertama masukkan nomor telepon tujuan, misal 0800000.

Lalu ketikkan pesan yang akan dikirim di kolom bawahnya. Lalu klik pilihan, dan pilih send sms.

Nanti pesan teks yang kamu tulis akan terkirim ke nomor 0800000 atas nama nomor hp 'korban'. Nah, untuk membaca phone book alias buku telepon ada beberapa orang yang berhasil tapi ada juga yang gagal. Jadi, untuk membaca buku telepon aku gak bisa jamin bakal berhasil 100%, tapi untuk yang make call dan send sms aku jamin berhasil 100%.

Daripada penasaran mending download dulu aplikasinya terus langsung deh jailin temen kamu. Magic Blue Hack v1.0.jar.

Free Download Software, Movie, Games. Magic Blue Hack is a Bluetooth Hacking software for any J2ME Bluetooth hand set. No comments: Post a.

In earlier days, the term was associated with computers or networking but with rapid development in technology, hacking is no longer restricted to computers. New target of hackers is now ‘Mobile Phones’ and especially smartphones which are more susceptible or open to hacking., as we all know, is a wireless technology which lets us connect to other devices and share information or different files such as music files, photos, videos, etc. With increase in its popularity now-days, we can see every mobile phone is Bluetooth enabled. Other than just sharing information or files between devices, we can do many tricks with this Bluetooth; the major one is hacking others mobile with Bluetooth hacking softwares. Top 8 Bluetooth Softwares for hacking mobile & smartphones Though you may find all these 8 mobile Bluetooth hacking softwares have common features such as all softwares let us access other’s phone contacts, messages, profiles, etc. But still they are different from each other in one or some other unique ways. So, let’s try using these bluetooth mobile hacking softwares but only for fun.

Super Bluetooth Hack 1.08 Hacking somebody’s via this Super Bluetooth Hack 1.08 software will let you take full control and command of that phone. In other words, you can gain full access to his inbox messages, phonebook contacts, call summary, details about SIM and network. There’s more to it. You can lock or unlock the phone or switch on/off, change accessibility, network or security settings, modify ringing tone and volume, make some changes in language, play ringtones even when the phone is on silent mode, make a call or end a call, etc. Lot of things you can undertake with this multi-purpose software.

Download link – 2. BlueScanner As the word scan implies, this BluetoothScanner software lets us explore and scan active Bluetooth enabled mobile devices or laptop or PDA with active Bluetooth connection.

This software tries to collect maximum information for every discoverable device. It’s a kind of fun social game for hackers wherein points are added in their total score of finding the maximum number of Bluetooth enabled devices. They can view their total score, level, ranking and no.

Of devices found in the ‘Stats’ section of this software. Download link – 3. BlueSniff It is a GUI based software that runs on Linux. It allows users to find devices which have either active or hidden Bluetooth connection. Not to mention, more importantly hidden or concealed Bluetooth devices.

It can detect device from a distance and operates on two modes – normal scan and brute force scan. Download link – If have been a victim of hacking yourself, then do know about the. Ak 47 Serial Number Meaning here. BlueBugger Bluetooth attacks or pranks through Bluetooth technology were first started with the software known as ‘Bluejacking’ followed by Bluesnarfing and then Bluebugging. Bluebugger software finds the limitations in phone and then attacks it to gain complete access to the device. Once the mobile is hacked, user can have full access to the phone directory, call details and other data stored on the device.

This software was particularly in news for hacking Nokia 6310i phone as the phone model had some flaws related to Bluetooth connectivity. Download link – 5. BTBrowser This software is specifically meant for finding out technical details of Bluetooth enabled devices. It is a J2ME app that runs on device having Java specification JSR-82. This software identifies and exhibit information for all profiles that are available. You can surf information regarding the device, various profiles associated with it and service records that explain the features of services linked with each device. Download link – 6.

BTCrawler This software let users scan open and noticeable Bluetooth devices that are in range and execute queries related to service. It particularly scans for Windows Mobile devices. User can also execute service query for their device. This software displays paired devices, name of the device, class of device and even signal strength. Download link – 7. BlueSnarfing BlueSnarfing software is used for hacking mobile phone via Bluetooth connection and copying all information including Planner/Calendar, Phonebook and SIM contacts, Emails and messages, etc. Of the hacked device.

The devices with open and discoverable Bluetooth connections are more prone to be attacked by this software. This software is quite dangerous as hacker can send a ‘corruption code’ to the hacked mobile leading to complete shut down of phone and making it unusable or unresponsive to the owner.

Download link – 8. Magic Blue Hack Though the use of this software allow user to gain control over victim’s mobile but this software cannot be considered as a hacking software as before hacking it asks permission from the victim to accept the incoming connection. Hacking is usually associated with sneaking into other’s device without their consent but this software seeks permission from the owner to accept request for connection. If the request is accepted, hacker can gain control over the phone and can do all the things related to making calls, sending messages, emails, browsing contacts, etc. Download Link – As stated in all my earlier posts about hacking, I would again like to notify readers that hacking done for fun is acceptable but done for some illegal or malicious purpose is a crime. All the above softwares are just fun-apps.

So, download the above Bluetooth hacking softwares and have fun with your friends.