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Author by: Daniel Harris Language: en Publisher by: Scarecrow Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 42 Total Download: 354 File Size: 42,8 Mb Description: This classic text, first published in 1972, has withstood the test of time as a teaching aid for English-speaking singers, teachers, coaches, and accompanists, in order that their art may be more communicative to the public. These word-by-word translations of songs and arias allow the artist to properly interpret and express the feelings and emotions that the words require at the proper time. Author by: Roberta L. Payne Language: en Publisher by: McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 91 Total Download: 404 File Size: 46,5 Mb Description: What was Italian poetry like in the years of historical, intellectual, aesthetic, and spiritual change between the 1860s and the Unification of Italy and the 1960s?
In A Selection of Modern Italian Poetry in Translation Roberta Payne provides a bilingual collection of ninety-two poems by thirty-five Italian poets, including works of classicism and passionate decadentism, examples of crepuscularism, and poetry by Ungaretti, Montale, and Quasimodo.
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